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March 31, 2014

Hall rental
Posted at: 04:54 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Invitation: Veterans Day Dinner

October 25, 2012

Highman-Trautwein Colonial Manor

America Legion Post 100

502 Colonial Ave., West Deptford, NJ 08096

October 25, 2012

As a member in good standing of Colonial Manor American Legion Post 100, this is to cordially invite you, at no cost, to our annual Veterans’ Day Dinner that will be held on Sunday, November 11, 2012.

This event will commence with a cocktail hour at 1 pm, a lucheon thereafter, remarks from invited guests, and ceremonies in memory of our recently deceased Post and Auxiliary members.

Members may bring guests of their choice at a cost of $13 per person; $5 for children under the age of 12.

In order that we may adequately provide for the attendance of you and/or your guests, please complete the below reservation and return it to the Post at the above address no later than Friday, October 31, 2012.

Please indicate on the reservation below your e-mail address in order that we may communicate with you as necessary.

For God & Country,

Gerald O'Hare, Commander

William J Revak, Adjutant

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Posted at: 02:57 PM | 2 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Memorial Holiday Post Activities

May 11, 2009

Higham-Trautwein Colonial Manor

American Legion Post 100

Phone:  845-8367              502 Colonial Ave ,

 West Deptford, NJ O8096



All Post and Auxiliary Members Are Cordially Invited To Take Part In The Following Memorial Holiday Related Post Activities:


Placement Of American Flags on Veterans Graves at Eglington  - Friday, May 22

We need all of the help we can get to place American Flags on the more than 3000 graves of  Veterans buried at Eglington Cemetery (Clarksboro) in commemoration of their Service to God and Country for Memorial Day, 2009.

We will be placing the flags on the graves at Eglington  on Friday, May 22, starting at 10 am.  Everyone is welcome to take part in this remembrance of our deceased Veterans.  Just meet us at  Eglington’s  main entrance on Kings Highway and we will supply the flags for the graves.


American Legion Poppy Solicitations :

Post and auxiliary members are invited to participate.  Call Tom Parker  at 981-6633 if you have any questions about your participation.


5/11 Thru 5/16 Mon Thru Sat      Hollywood Café Woodbury Hts, Rt 45           11-1,...

Posted at: 06:19 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Childrens Annual Christmas Show

December 10, 2008

Sponsored by the Colonial Manor American Legion Post 100 for the benefit of needy children and their families. December 20th, 1 to 3 pm at the West Deptford High School on Old Crown Point Road. The children can see a Christmas Show, talk to Santa, and recieve candy canes, gifts, and fruit all of which is provided by the way of donations solicited from area businesses and other individuals.
Friends and neighbors are cordially invited. Hope to see you there!
Posted at: 02:32 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

The POW/MIA Flag Up-close

August 29, 2008

We ask that you take a moment and reflect upon what this Flag signifies. The Flag in black and white, stark and precise colors that show the true and undeniable fact that American men are still missing. The profile of the prisoner shows he is bent in sorrow, not defeat!

He faces to his right, towards his homeland, America, in the continuing belief that he has not been forgotten. He waits, enduring the indignity of captivity, for the day, when the freedom that he fought for, will be returned to him.

In the background, a guard watches the prisoners, distant and apart from the POW---both in body, and spirit, because the guard does not care. Barbed wire seperates them, just as the love of freedom, seperates us from those, who would take away freedom.

There is a partial wreath, about the POW. The wreath is the symbol, of the hero, and the victor. Yet, it is only a partial wreath, because he is not home, where he can receive the full honors, he is entitled to, as a true and brave warrior.

There are the words "You are not forgotten". These ar not emty words! They tell of...

Posted at: 01:28 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

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